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Sexual Abuse Policy, Reporting & Press


TOMLINSON CENTER STAFF NOR CONTRACTORS ARE not permitted to investigate such matters, but instead will contact either the local Police, Campus Police, or Sheriffs’ department, depending on where the alleged incident(s) occurred.



TOMLINSON CENTER  prohibits one adult being alone with one youth. A second adult must be present or a second youth must be present at all times



•The names of any potential victims, the accused perpetrator(s), and the person who reported the incident shall remain confidential.



TOMLINSON CENTER deserves the right to determine an appropriate course of action, including the suspension or termination from volunteering or working for or within the organization(s) regardless of the outcome of any investigation. It is current policy that anyone associated with the incident before during or even after the incident will be removed or reassigned until cleared.



Any requests from the press or the surrounding community shall be forwarded to an Officer of TOMLINSON CENTER (CEO/COO). If an officer is not present the next highest authority for TOMLINSON CENTER must be notified who must immediately notify an officer, in order to handle any questions or inquiries. Under no circumstances are you to respond to any media inquiries or make statements.



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